Right to Know Law
Requests for public records from Reading Area Community College under the Right-to-Know Law, as amended, 65 P.S. §§ 67.101 et seq., are subject to the guidelines of the RTK Open Records Policy.
Please note that all requests must be written and delivered via email, hand-delivery or mail using the RTK Open Records Request Form.
Contact Information
Reading Area Community College
Theresa Coaxum
Open Records Officer
Berks Hall Room 301
10 South Second Street, PO Box 1706
Reading, PA 19603-1706
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
Liz Wagenseller
Executive Director
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Fax: 717-425-5343
PA Treasury Website
Using the PA Treasury website http://www.patreasury.gov/, under Transparency/e-Contracts Library, the general public has direct access the College’s contract and purchase order information for transactions in excess of $5,000.